I used pancake swap to convert 1 BNB Smart Chain into safemoon which was roughly $450 worth. The transaction went thru but it only gave me around $45 worth of safemoon but now I only have $4.93 of BNB. Please help I’m missing $400 worth of coins
To better assist, can you provide us the following information:
Trust Wallet app version
Crypto address
Transaction ID (if you have any)
Details about your issue
Screenshots of the wallet (errors, if any
I recently checked my trust wallet, my safemoon is completely gone. 3.6millions vanished. I did not share my word phrases, I did not attempt to transfer to any other wallet. I used pancake swap and my coins were displayed successfully with 48 hours they are gone.
There is no transaction under the safemoon, Just missing coins. Am I being hassled here. What is going on, how can 3.6 million coins vanish into thin air. Trust wallet team, your attention is needed.