Mohon Bantuan: Submit Logo & Info Token ke TrustWallet

Mohon ijin bertanya.

Beberapa hari lalu saya coba Submit Info dan Logo token SAFECOM ke TrustWallet.
Tapi sampe sekarang logonya belum muncul di app TrustWallet.

Saya sudah ikuti semua proses sesuai petunjuk di panduan pada thread yang ada
di forum ini.

Sebagai informasi saya bahkan juga sudah melakukan pembayaran
kepada TrustWallet agar pengajuan info dan logo kami dapat diproses segera.

Namun sampe hari ini tidak tanggapan apapun di bagian komentar di github nya

Mohon pencerahannya.

Apa yang harus saya lakukan selanjutnya agar token yang saya ajukan dapat
muncul logonya?

Kalaupun harus bayar lagi untuk kedua kali, saya bersedia membayarnya lagi.

Mohon thread saya ini, dapat disetujui.

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Hi @richardbitcoin sorry for inconvenience, please make sure you follow all instructions on this article: How to Add the Token Information

If so, you can send your query to Trust Wallet developers group: Telegram: Contact @trust_developers

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I have made sure that I have followed all the procedures on the manual page as you shared, but that is the problem I have had, so I am trying to address it here.

For now, I still can’t use telegram communication due to ban problems at TG. I will wait until May 4, 2021, before I can go back to using TG.

The only way to communicate about my problem for this topic, is through this forum.

Please submit a ticket and provide as much details as you can. We will be happy to assist.
Please use this link: Submit a ticket : Trust Wallet

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New Ticket submitted.

Just for your reference, please check our token submission that closed by TW here;
https:// github. com/trustwallet/assets/pull/6724

I hope to get our token info and logo fixing with any help from TrustWallet.

I still waiting for any help from TrustWallet for our token logo.


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