More tokens/coins

Please add native support for more coins/tokens especially:

Monero, Stratis, Neo, Nem


Wallet Core Crypto library is open source and freely available for crypto projects to add their coins/blockchain support, feel free to send a request to those projects and ask them to add New Blockchain Support into Trust Wallet.

Status for current blockchains integrations.


Can we add native coin N8V?

What needs to be done?

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Are you referring to this token NativeCoin price today, N8V to USD live, marketcap and chart | CoinMarketCap?
If you know the development team, they can submit the requirements here:
I am a Developer and I want to Contribute!

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Yes, that is the one

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Add XVG Please, it can be really cool

Hello I’m new with ETH, please I need help

Please also add CREDITS native coin so i can have all my coins on my Trust wallet. You used to support the eth token version before they had main net, please upgrade to main net coin.

These guys:

credits. com

yes , please add NEO(NEP5)

Spore and carom is not list bep20 …i did bought but i has not get bep20 add token. My money is alreaddy take out …but has not list bep20 .

Can we add Moon Token, Safelight and SafeGalaxy. I can get more info for you if needed.Thank you

I’ve got safegalaxy but can’t find the coin in the wallet. How do we do this?

In trust wallet, tap the top right button and then search for it using the coins address

Namecoin or NMC will be welcome, I have no idea how to use or exchange this token…

Dear support team,

Please add more coins to this wallet and please add bank transfer/ debit card/ credit card as the payment~TQ

Please add mooncoin, i would like to buy some and keep it on trust wallet

Add plz tokens kishu hokkaidu and feg :partying_face: It will be just a super wallet

Can you add support for Cardano (ADA)? As I’m not currently able to post with links, a simple google search should suffice.

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Please add support for native ADA-Cardano and FTM-Fantom. Both coins look to become much bigger players in the DeFi space and could see huge gains in user traction. Thank you

We also need pocmon and Teslasafe support in Trustwallet. Teslasafe tokens are foing strong and many buyers alresdy. Once Teslasafe goes live on Coingecko or cmc there will be lots of demand for it.