My post was deleted, question about wallet connection

Please for the moderators dont delete post especially important and not a spam i posted here about trust wallet connected to binance dex, my issue is that my hyn balance not reflected on the dex, but i see a pairing there hyn to bnb, i just wanna know from the community maybe they know but sadly they deleted it,
All the best for twtđź’Ż


Swap them to BEP2 tokens using HYN SWAP BRIDGE
Link: https ://swap. hyn. space
(delete spaces between this :point_up_2: link)
~Copy your Trust Wallet BNB Address
~Transfer the ERC-20 Tokens you have to the provide bridge address you were given after pasting your bnb address.

Minimum 1000HYN can be swapped



Kindly confirm if your HYN tokens are ERC-20 or BEP2, if they are ERC-20,you will have to convert/swap them to BEP2 using binance dex, not the one on trust wallet.
To begin with, you will need a Binance Chain wallet address.

  1. The first step is to create a wallet address on Binance DEX. Please click the following Binance DEX website and follow the official instructions: www.binance. org/en.
    NOTE: Please keep your Keystore file, password and private key secure
  2. After creating the wallet address, you can use the Keystore file to unlock the Binance Chain wallet.
  3. Now you’ll be able to see your wallet details including wallet address, balance, and transaction details:
    1_7T4s-AZTBYKasEVKPk_DNQ Now we can start swapping ERC-20 HYN to BEP-2 HYN
    Visit the official website of the token bridge at swap(dot)hyn(dot)space (Please make sure that you’re visiting the correct URL)
  4. Fill in your BNB wallet address in “BNB Address” and click on “NEXT”.
    NOTE: The minimum swap amount is 1000 HYN
  5. Open your wallet and deposit the ERC20 HYN token into the account provided by token bridge. Transfer your ERC-20 HYN to the address. (You may click the icon below to copy the address or scan the QR code.)
  6. Click “Next” to submit your swap request

    And That’s all. The BEP2 HYN will be transferred to the BNB wallet address you specified at the beginning.

Source: medium. com/hyperion-sg/hyn-token-swap-walkthrough-2cc3f57


Thank you for the help, :pray:


That was a great Explanation. Thanks


its a great help and a good way of explaining complete instruction.


Yes why our post deleted


This is indeed a good and detailed explanation.
Thank you!