New Swaps and Staking Options, Additional Chain Support, and Auto-Indexing

We’re excited to introduce new features and improvements to the Trust Wallet Web Extension experience. Here’s what’s new:

  • :arrows_counterclockwise: EVM Swaps with 1inch
  • :cut_of_meat: Kusama, Polkadot, and Tron Staking
  • :chains: SEI, OpBNB, and Linea Chain Support
  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Auto-Indexing Token Balances (EVM Chains)

EVM Swaps with 1inch

What: You can now seamlessly perform Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) swaps with the 1inch integration within the Trust Wallet Web Extension.

Why: This addition makes it more convenient for you to swap assets and explore various DeFi opportunities within the EVM ecosystem.

Kusama, Polkadot and Tron Staking

What: Trust Wallet now supports staking for Kusama (KSM), Polkadot (DOT) and Tron (TRX).

Why: Staking KSM and DOT directly from your wallet allows you to participate in these networks, earn rewards, and strengthen the security of the blockchain.

For more information on how to start staking using our Web Extension, check out our how-to guide.

SEI, OpBNB and Linea Chain Support

What: Trust Wallet now provides support for the SEI, OpBNB and Linea chains.

Why: Adding support for these new chains broadens the range of assets you can manage in your wallet, giving you more control over your investments.

Auto-Indexing Token Balances (EVM Chains)

What: Trust Wallet now automatically indexes tokens on EVM blockchains. When you receive a token, it instantly appears in your wallet—no need to manually enable it after you receive it for the first time.

Why: We’ve introduced this feature to enhance your user experience. It eliminates the need for manual steps, making it easier for you to access and manage your tokens.

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