Not able to backup to Google Drive

I have had this issue all the time and not able to backup my seeds to Cloud/ Google Drive. When I click “Google Drive Backup”, it asks to login to my Google account. After login is completed, I get this error saying “Please grant all permissions to continue”.

Where should I give permissions and how to solve this error?

Please help.

1 Like Can you check what app version you are on? Also another option is trying to check your device settings to see what permissions are granted for your Trust app.

1 Like

Version 8.2.3 is the version I’m using right now.
Only camera and notifications are in allowed permissions list. There is always a pop-up when you click “Backup to Google Drive”. You will be asked to allow Trust wallet to backup your seed phrase.
If you have declined that once, you need to clear you Trust wallet app data and import your seed phrase again then try backing up to the Google drive again.

It’s important you ensure you have your seedphrase written down if you plan on clearing your app data

I was never asked in a pop-up to backup to Drive and I never declined. Anyway, uninstalling TrustWallet and reinstalling, and reimporting the seed phrase worked.


If you Google or check comments in YouTube videos, you can check how many people have the same issue as this.