Not receiving full amount of Coins swapped

Hello trust wallet community,

I’m fairly new to trust wallet and was hoping to get some help. Every time I swap coins on pancake swap I never receive the full amount of coins but still end up paying for them. It’s not slippage and or fees so I’m confused on why this always happens.

As an example I swapped $17.28 of BNB for PowerADA and was supposed to receive 1500000 powerADA coins but only received 1230000 coins. The missing 270000 coins showed up in the block explorer transactions so I’m confused as to why they are not in my wallet.

This is more than the %2 slippage I had so I don’t get why this happens. It literally happens on every coin I swap. Any help would be much appreciated. As when I start swapping larger amounts this will be very pricey and frustrating. Attached are some screen shot for reference. Thank you in advance.

Hello @Graydon this is not wallet issue. If problem occurred during swapping and you received less amount, you have to contact DApp used (PancakeSwap in your case).