Not see balance


Hello, please pay attention to my urgent request. I can’t see my balance, which is some ethereum. Please help me quickly.


Hello @Rahmatzare , can you tell me what’s your Trust Wallet version ? are you on iOS or Android ? any screenshot ? we can’t help you just with some words . tell us more .

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Hey me too, I can’t find my Bitcoin balance. I received $126 worth of Bitcoin into my wallet since May 2nd. At first I could see the balance then after over an hour I could find it and I’ve done everything to get it back, all to no avail

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Can you tell me what’s your Trust Wallet version ? are you on iOS or Android ? any screenshot ? we can’t help you just with some words . tell us more .

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please help me, i can’t find my hdv balance in hydraverse, I have tried various methods but have not been able to. It would be nice if I get help asap.

I have the same issue but its TRC20 i did not receive. The completedvtransaction is shown in Tronscan but money does not show in my wallet

Hello @Prouzier Can you give us some more details? do you have a screenshot of the problem?

Hello I can’t see to find my bitcoin on my trust wallet since two days please help me

Hello @Hunchokhay can you post a screenshoot ? what do you mean by you can’t find .

All my bitcoin are Gone
I received $800 traded some and now I can’t find anything

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Can you share a screnshoot ?? any proof ? i can 't really help you without proof .

I’ve received 95 USDT using BEP20 network and received the notification and receipt in the trust wallet app too.
But my balance is 0.
I’m using the last version of trust wallet app in Android.
(I’m not allowed to upload media or share link of screenshot. what can I do?)

What’s your transaction hash ? can you see your transaction in the block explorer ? can you share any screenshot with us ?

The transaction hash is:

I’m trying to send screenshots but an alert comes up that says I can’t embed media.

FOUND it , sorry but your wallet is empty now it was 94.710984 BSC-USD it was a IN and OUT transaction this is not from you ?

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no if was not me .I didn’t have access to any USDT and my wallet balance.
is there any way to fix it?

No i can’t fix it . someone stole your money i think see: