Not sure what is going with my SafeMoon and BRB

My account: 0xfebDfb8231A6119DF6b8f048662c6d5ED3400949

Transaction: 0x37925cc27916bc89872417cb8584922ff520ad0e48f512d5c9069baf9fedc363

I used pancake swap to transfer from BRB to safemoon but don’t see money in my wallet, but instead I see negative BNB in my Smart Chain under smart chain contract. What does it mean?

Hello @dalmat_5 you transaction was successfully completed but it seems your funds redirected to another address (0x8076c74c5e3f5852037f31ff0093eeb8c8add8d3).

This usually occurs when you swap your tokens on phishing/fake DApps sites.

Can you tell us where did you find the link used during swapping? Send screenshot displaying the site with link visited visible.

Based on my history in the Safari this was the link I used.

What can I do at this point? I see on your other topic you were helping someone else and transactions can’t be reversed?

This address has couple transaction every second.
Are you that all these people are getting scammed?

@dalmat_5 that is fake PancakeSwap site. Real PancakeSwap link is

Can you tell us where did you get that link?

Yes, blockchain transaction can’t be reversed once confirmed.


These were all available and I looked up instructions on YouTube, but my trust wallet didn’t have it, so I decided to google it instead.

Since it did not show up in my trust wallet I just googled it. Not sure how and what I clicked after googling, but I guess it took me to that fake site.

Nothing it can be done at this point?

Unfortunately, yes. Just be careful next time double check the link before connecting your wallet.

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Ahhhh… thanks for the help!

Is there a way to stop these fraud sites?

And is it true what I saw, this address receives couple transactions each second??

What is the address tokes were sent to??

Just curious, I am obviously new in this

@dalmat_5 most of them are taken down after several reports, but at that time most of the user already got scammed.

The address is: 0x8076c74c5e3f5852037f31ff0093eeb8c8add8d3

Yes, because many people fall for these scams.

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