Hello, I feel like this has to be some kind of error. I traded 1.5 bnb smart chain (~$700 1 day 10 hrs ago) for ~645,000,000 EGC ($545 1 Day 10 hrs ago).
Transaction hash: 0xf2265f6501bca241ba62b7d378c61e15f413bf56e87ca6acfa0a1881f667e51d
I set the gas limit to 505,000 at 5 Gwei which roughly comes out to $1.18 if I understand “gas” correctly.
Can someone help me understand where the rest of my money went? I’ve repeatedly used pancake swap and this has happened multiple times but my previous investments were smaller so I assumed it’s “just the way it is”. But after this transaction I’m positive there’s something wrong now.
Is there a way to recover my money?