Please help me find my polygon

My address is

I had two transactions but all my money hasn’t showed up.
One was a purchase

Transaction hash [0xb1c96978aa64d3c501949b5acef6edc9aa554516a3244ac3ccd783dc5299a87d]

And this one was a transfer(hash) please help

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Hello @helpmeplz45 the second transaction is Matic ERC20, you need to enable manually Matic ERC20 or add as custom token. Here are the steps that you can do to manually add the token: How to Add a Custom Token

Token details:-
Network: Ethereum
Contract: 0x7d1afa7b718fb893db30a3abc0cfc608aacfebb0
Decimals: 18


Thanks I found it I appreciate it so much thank you thank you

Is there any difference in the coin other than the “network” (? I’m new) that it’s being transferred on ?

I can still sell it all the same right ?


Hello Alan,

I hope you can help me because I have tried already 3 times to contact the support team and got no “human” reply.
I made a transfer of Matic, from Coinbase, to my Trust Wallet MATIC address and the coins don’t show on my TrustWallet!
I have confirmed that I do have the crypto in my wallet address but it just doesn’t show on the app.

Matic address: 0x9e5646CfB8c3692bCc4e5d27BeE2583Ab599e37d

Transaction ID from Coinbase: 0xa4ad28c20064a92780b46f8326a6de380fbbd8882601d9b3f17e074d857b67a9

App version: 6.12 (6129)

I really need some help from you to solve this out, please.


Hello @tmrl74
Your tokens are in your wallet and you only need to add it manually as a custom token
Tap on the upper right corner in your wallet, search MATIC and enable the one with ERC20.


Thank you very much @JennyMillan. :+1: :pray:

have a really nice Christmas and a great New year