Possible Scam Transaction/ Wallet

Good Afternoon Guys - I hope you can help. I am very new to this and think i may have been scammed. i have 15,624 in my Trust Wallet - entered under USD (BNB Smart Chain). I have asked a crypto Coach and he says he has never seen the headline/ entry and i cant convert the crypto. I cant seem to upload the screenshots onto this page to show you either .


@KMS_MOD1 Please submit a support ticket through your Trust app or at support.trustwallet.com.

i have submitted a ticket - Thank You ever so much for your swift reply - and i really hope that you can help me.

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I submitted a ticket and i haven’t heard anything back yet - will i be expecting a reply/ possible help from yourselves ?

Thank You

@KMS_MOD1 If you received a response with a ticket ID, then you can simply respond to that mail.