Recovered Wallet and coins are all missing

Good Morning. I got a new phone so I had to recover my wallet for the first time. When I entered the phrase the wallet recovered with no coins. I have only ever created one trust wallet and I screen shot the 12 word phrase so I know that is correct. For some reason the recovered wallet has different addresses than the original when I created the trust wallet in April 2021. Please help I’m freaking out because I have the phrase but my coins are all missing. I have all transaction and old wallet addresses. I have them as a watch wallet for now but I can see my coins


Apologies for the inconvenience.
Please make sure that you have the right set of words. Here is a guide that might help:

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Hello there, I sent some ETH from my metamask to trust wallet. it’s been more than 9 hours now and it still hasn’t reflected in my trust wallet. Please help!

Hi @Lanreodu
To better assist, please send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, take a screenshot, and attach it here)

  2. Crypto wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here)

  3. Transaction hash or link (if you have any, please copy and paste)

  4. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance)

I am entering this 100% correctly. I can show you a screen shot with time stamp dating April 8th 2021 at 5:42pm when I screen shorted the 12 word phrase. Then I can show my first transaction buying binance coin 16 minutes later. There are so many posts about this and people recovering wrong addresses. There has to be a way you can look into this. I have records of everything.



That’s the transaction ID hash

I keep trying to post screenshots but I am getting ready error msgs. Can I send an email?

Hi @Haynzee1223
You may be trying the phrase for another wallet.
What is your receiving address so i can check on the explorer.

Hello @Lanreodu
Can you try attaching the screenshots now? It should work

Estou com o mesmo problema a mais de um mês e não consigo solução, tenho pesquisado incansavelmente por uma resposta, mas até então não obtive sucesso infelizmente, espero que venhamos a corrigir este problema. :confused::pensive:

Hi, I have this problem as well. Got a new phone and entered my recovery phrase and none of my coins are appearing. I checked my account that I sent coins from (ETH and BNB) and I have a different address in my new phones wallet than my old phones wallet.


Está acontecendo com muitas pessoas esse problema e infelizmente o suporte não tem auxiliado muito pois até o presente momento não achei nenhuma resposta que ajudasse aqui no fórum, tá complicado!

I have only ever created one Trust wallet. I can promise you the 12 word phrase I am using is the only 12 word phrase I have ever had. The ETH address for the wallet I’m trying to recover is 0x818FC7524936E86fd007244189AA312a29157a98. I have other small alts in the original wallet as well

What is the receiving address of the wallet you imported via the phrase you have?

This is the exact problem I am dealing with and I know for certain I have the correct recovery code. I have screenshots and transactions for everything.

The recovered address after I entered the phrase is


This recovery phrase was screen shotted on April 8 2021 at 5.42pm. I made my first transaction through my original wallet at 5:58 pm. Is there anyway to see what time the two wallets were created?

Same. I tried deleting the app and taking it from the top but got the same result.

Hello, I’m exactly facing the same problem from yesterday. Trust wallet support group , please help me to recover my funds

Hello we can not help recover funds by knowing your phrase as we have no access to it and it is also your responsibility to keep it safe.