Reinstalled Trust Wallet and Missing SRKs


  1. I sent TWTs from Binance to Trust Wallet during Christmas Holidays and I never received these tokens so I assumed they were gone.
  2. Recently, I sent 20,563.77 SRKs from Hotbit to my Trust Wallet address and I got all the tokens.

Last night, I reinstalled the Trust Wallet and recovered my main wallet, BUT all my SRKs are missing while the TWTs are in there now somehow. I noticed my SRK wallet address is different from the one before, but I am certain it’s the same wallet that I have recovered. I don’t know if that was a version issue since I didn’t create any other wallets besides my current one.

Would be great if someone can advise and look into what happened?

(Update: I was able to find the Ethereum Address but it is only a watch wallet :’( … can’t seem to send out of it … I am so confused with what happened … After reading many posts, I really think there is a problem when the app is updated and reinstalled … )

Appreciate your help!


Hi @honger,

Please try to follow this guide so you can get the private key of your ETH wallet and remove the watch only status:

Thanks @iamdeadlyz

I tried that method but it only produced the private key for the ETH wallet I can already access.

My SRK ETH wallet address (watch-only) is different from my main wallet ETH wallet address. SRK doesn’t seem to have its only wallet and I don’t know if it disconnected from my main wallet?

The weird thing is that on 12/24, I sent TWTs to my wallet, and they never showed up. And I sent SRKs last week to the wallet and they showed up instantly.

After reinstalling the app, TWTs showed up, but now SRKs never showed up.

When I looked up the original SRK address I used for receiving SRKs, and logged into the watch-only wallet, they are there, but the SRK address is different from the ETH address.

So I don’t know if the IOS version plays a factor in the wallet address, especially for the coins that don’t technically have their own wallets like SRK.

To further understand, please send the wallet address that has SRK tokens in it.


Thanks for your prompt responses!

What is your ETH wallet address now? (select Ethereum, press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot, and attach it here)

Can you try to check your other wallets in the app? Perhaps, you copied it from another multi-coin wallet.

These are the only two I have in the app. (Watch-only was only added after finding out my SRKs are gone in the main wallet and tracing to find the SRK address)

Seems like there’s no way to retrieve them huh. :disappointed_relieved:

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Let’s give this method a try.

Follow this guide again: How To Recover Funds Sent to a Wrong Public Address

Select ETH in the coin part. Choose BIP32 then enter this one in the BIP32 derivation path: m/44'/714'/0'/0

Check if 0xf96F2aCbd080BA895494edA73B771A7F44d9A4Ea is in the list.

No, none of the addresses match the watch only address or the main wallet SRK address.

Thanks for continuing helping me!

I see. In that case, you may have forgotten that you had a 2nd wallet or you copied it somewhere else. It is unlikely that the ETH wallet address changed suddenly.

I have been writing down all the recovery phrases for 4 different wallets, and I would notice if there is a new main wallet. Yeah but thanks for trying.

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I guess an upgrade Trust Wallet can make is to limit each user to create only one main trust wallet. If I really did accidentally create one, without noticing or writing down my recovery phrases, then it is probably too easy to do so without enough warning. Just something to keep in mind for the future. There goes my $500 of SRKs. :disappointed_relieved:

Is there really no way to override the watch-only status? Even if I have the address of Hotbit where I previously used to send my SRK from? No one has access to that address but me.

There’s a Limit of 15 wallets that can be use by a user and we have warning massage set when anybody create a wallet .

Then I definitely wouldn’t have created a new main wallet if there are warnings. Plus, the first time I sent TWTs from Binance to Trust Wallet, I didn’t get them in my main wallet for a long time. Somehow after updating the app, and opening my wallet again with phrases, they are suddenly in there, but erased my other coins. I think something is going on.

12 words in the right order when creating the account, I would definitely know to write them down. This seems like a problem from reading other posts when people update their wallets, so it’s something your developers should look into.

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The only way to override it is to import the recovery phrase/keystore JSON file/private key that is associated with that address.

The issue is different for each users. Some may be similar. Though, I raised this issue to the devs and they have checked that there are no errors with the app.