Replacement Transaction Underpriced

2 screenshots show the 0 ETH transaction and the error message Replacement transaction underpriced. 2 screenshots show the high ETH transaction (around 80% of the ETH existing in the wallet) with the error message transaction overdraft. Both transactions have the same nonce as the malicious smart contract call.

Hi. Tried to send reply with screenshots but they are pending approval for more than 4 hours, so I think something might be wrong and am typing out instead.

In summary,

  1. I am unable to use the 0 ETH method as detailed in trust wallet guide to cancel this malicious smart contract call pending transaction. The error message is Replacement Transaction underpriced.

  2. I have tried playing around with amount of ETH to send, and found that if I enter a sufficiently large amount of ETH to send to my own wallet as per guide instructions, my error message is Transaction error: transaction would cause overdraft

  3. I have re-imported my wallet, uninstalled and reinstalled the app and even tried using desktop instead of mobile to transact. But all attempts have been fruitless so far.

a) the original malicious smart contract call no longer appears in my Trust wallet app as “pending”, but Txn hash is still identifiable on Etherscan.
b) when I reinstalled the app, I tried to do the 0 ETH transfer to my own wallet again, this time trying a higher nonce. The transaction actually managed to successfully process and was Txn hash was pending on Etherscan, before returning a “transfer failed” message on my Trust wallet app, and a corresponding disappearance of Txn hash from Etherscan transaction log.

Hope this info helps.

@elew First of, what’s confusing is why you are using the term “malicious”, why would you want to approve a transaction you know is mailicious or is that just a statement?

This is not a transaction that I have approved. Also, Trust Wallet has flagged out the recipient address as high risk.

@elew I honestly don’t still understand you, how did you get to this point in the first place?
If you can provide a video recording of what you mean, that should be helpful

Due to privacy concern I am not comfortable with sharing a video recording here. However, I am open to suggestions on how to move forward with this conversation in a private manner.

@elew We do not send messages privately sorry.
It’s best you open a support ticket