Send xlm from bainance to my wallet

hello i transferd XLM from bainance to my wallet with correct adress but it isnot set in my wallet my wallet address
txid is 5314dd697577494188081adac4b54e7a16219b37bd0a891227a0a968a08867de

please help me


@Reza1369 Please add your XLM token manually if you haven’t done already.

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i added but dont show the number of xlm
and then i buy some xlm and dposite to my wallet but dont show my 1342 xlm deposite to wallet

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@Reza1369 Can you please check the explorer to see if your tokens are shown there.


I checked, it was showing until a month ago and I have a screenshot, but now it is not showing anymore

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@Reza1369 If your tokens are not shown on the explorer in your address, then they nay have been sent out, did you check your transaction history also on the explorer ?