Sending ETH to Kraken via. wrong Network Bep. What can I do?

Dear Community, I made a mistake. I choce the wrong network when I sent my Eth to my Kraken Account. I used Bsc instead of using Eth-newtwork. The credits of eth I can’t see in my account, but the transaction was done successfully. As Kraken is a exchange platform and doesn’t want to provide me the key…, do I have any other chance to sent / to get my Eth back? Or do I need to wait until Kraken will accept BSC -Network? on bscscan the transaction was completed.

Hello @Thomas5 Please contact the customer support of Kraken so they can assist you with the deposit issue. If they are not willing to recover the crypto or credit your account, then, unfortunately, you may consider it as lost. Please be careful next time and triple-check before transacting.

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