Sent 3 links to bundle

I sent 3 links to my bundle wallet yesterday and it hasn’t reflected yet its recorded successful.

Hash : 0xb840b6c04071df1bef01c724d2ff63a532cb4786be7051369bc619e860e1ca9e

Sender’s address: 0xc4fa8aec86422ac7a4a4b331e0162f1f23f53af6

Receiver’s address: 0xf8a0bf9cf54bb92f17374d9e9a321e6a111a51bd

Time: Timestamp:

14 hrs 17 mins ago (Oct-21-2021 07:01:28 PM +UTC)

Hello @Sochi_Liss transaction sent successfully from Trust wallet to your destination address. Please contact the customer support of Bundle so they can assist you with the deposit issue.

I used Bep20 as the sender’s address and the wallet address is Erc20 is there any remedy?

@Sochi_Liss Please contact the customer support of Bundle so they can assist you with the deposit issue. If they are not willing to recover the crypto or credit your account, then, unfortunately, you may consider it as lost. Please be careful next time and triple-check before transacting.