Sent Reef Bep20 to my Pancakeswap in trust wallet

Hi there,
I sent by mistake my Reef tokens from Trust wallet to Cake address in trust wallet.
How can I cancel it? Could you please reverse the transaction?
Bellow the transaction details.
Pl3ase I need really your help.

Hi @aourti,

To clarify, do you own the recovery phrase/private key/keystore JSON file of this address: 0xa6ba22e1a426cb9e865b92c5c09320c19697504f?

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Yes, I have the 12 phrases for my trust wallet.
I own both addresses (sender an recipient) and they are on the same trust walet.

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I found this link : How To Recover Funds Sent to a Wrong Public Address - How To’s / Troubleshooting - Trust Wallet.

But I am not able to find the address.
Can you help me to find it out? (this is a BEP20, not ERC20)

@iamdeadlyz : Can you please get back to me asap?

Make sure you get the recovery phrase for that wallet (0xa6ba22e1a426cb9e865b92c5c09320c19697504f).

While following that guide, select ETH in the coin part (regardless of the fact that it was a BEP20 address), scroll down to the list of derived addresses and find the private key for 0xa6ba22e1a426cb9e865b92c5c09320c19697504f. Import the private key as a Smart Chain wallet in the Trust Wallet app.

If you can’t find that address, then either you used a different recovery phrase or you don’t have it for that wallet at all.