SHIB to ETH swap. 0 ETH after successful transaction

I executed my first swap in trust wallet. I swapped SHIB to receive ETH. I was prompted to confirm the swap. I can view the transaction on Etherscan as a success.
Problem: I received 0 ETH in the transaction.
Transaction hash: 0xc6d8bd5fc50782915cecd03a48ac497cf2739fc4e152a3a183c8f19a13473f6a
I see that the SHIB was swapped for WETH and sent to a different wallet address.
My wallet did not receive ETH. Totally confused.

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@Kshhhh You received the ETH already

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Thank you for your response. The transaction on Trustwallet shows “smart contract call 0 ETH value ~$0.00
My total ETH didn’t change.

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@Kshhhh Please check the transaction I sent above, it shows your ETH received in your wallet.

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