I am facing a “Simulation Error: AccountNotFound” issue when attempting to swap tokens using the Trust Wallet app. Below are the details of my environment and the transaction:
Error Displayed: Simulation Error: AccountNotFound
i am having the same problem. my coins are showing in the wallet and on the blockchain but can’t be sent?? I have re down loaded the app etc and used my words to show the wallet.
my wallet was compromised and some coins taken and i want to remove the rest to another trust or other wallet
hooray it worked .
the solana arrived in the trust wallet and the 2 solana chain coinswent to my other wallet.
thank you… it has taken me nearly all day to figure this system out but got there and my coins are safe. now just got to figure out about the Theta fuel because they are in the trust wallet but the new wallet doesn’t want to accept them???
@noelle88 Since your wallet is compromised, you could create a new wallet and just send to that so that way you’re at least safeguarding your funds while you figure out where to finally send them.