Smart contract wallets for trading

Trust Wallet smart contract creation

Let’s make smart contracts in Trust wallet that allow direct trading of tokens one another.
Uniswap can trade any token by creating a smart contract, so let’s just create or make each wallet a unique smart contract, so we deposit inside the wallet, and directly trade one another any token, let’s build liquidity and connect smart contract with uniswap.
Let’s have the smart contracts with IP address and email verification


Good idea
How can that be done


Sir I had put on an Ethereum trading in Smart Contact, but out of that I have got just 0.63ETH.After that I have hit 0.15 ETH withrow twice but have not yet come across my trust Violet.please help me.

Hello, ive swapped some tokens via pancakeswap but my transactions keep getting executed and now on my wallet all i see is smart contract calls, how do i fix this?

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