Stake TWT on JulSwap to Earn JULD Tokens with Trust Wallet

This is not financial advice. Do not risk anything you cannot afford to lose.

What is JulSwap?

JulSwap is the equivalent of Uniswap on the Binance Smart Chain and offers the same Trading Engine and analytics as Uniswap. JulSwap has an in-house designed JustLiquidity Protocol as well as a ERC20 to BEP20 (and vice versa) Token Bridge.

A mass adoption token, called “JULD” has been released for the JulSwap DEX which increases the demand for JUL / JULb. The token can be farmed by staking tokens on JulSwap Staking.

For more information, please check this article.

Use TWT to Provide Liquidity

Liquidity providers earn fees for providing liquidity to traders who can swap between tokens. However, you need to be aware of impermanent loss due to the volatility of the tokens you are supplying. See detailed explanation here: What is Impermanent Loss?

Access JulSwap

Open the DApp browser and then go to Choose the Smart Chain network to automatically connect your Smart Chain wallet.

Supply TWT

Tap on Pool then Add Liquidity. For this guide, we will supply both TWT and BNB.

Input the amount that you are depositing. Then scroll down and tap on Approve TWT. Confirm the transaction in order to proceed.

Next, tap on Supply.The app will show a prompt about the transaction.
Tap on Confirm Supply to continue.

Press Send to deposit your tokens to the platform and wait for the transaction to be confirmed.
You have now successfully supplied your tokens and earned some BNB/TWT Pool Tokens.

Staking Pool tokens

Supplying TWT to a pool will result in Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens which gives you a share of the fees. Tap on Staking and then search for the TWT/BNB Pool.

Scroll to the right side of the page to see the Approve Staking button. Tap on Approve then Send the transaction to Confirm.

Input the amount of Pool tokens you want to deposit or tap on Max. Tap on Confirm then Send the transaction to confirm your stake.

Congratulations, you have successfully staked your tokens and you will earn JULD.