What are the consequences of this? Why is the TW Staking appearing as “Migrated”? Does it mean that it doesn’t accept any transaction?
I can see the “staking” APY on Beacon is 0%.
About those 4 validators(currently Legend, Ankr, 48 club, Synclub): What will happen if there is no validator at all - then will it be no way to get Beacon BNB funds to migrate to BSC?
Yes thanks, I created this one to cover this specific case.
I cannot see any “Redelegate” method, no. Mobile application on Android.
Given that there was no clarity about it, I opted for unstaking the soonest (yesterday).
Now, my funds are in “Pending” state.
However I do see also a link “Redelegate to BNB Smart Chain”.
Can I still use it, even if my stake is in “Pending” state ?