Storing your Backup Phrase

Let me know where your Phrases hidden to…

  • USB
  • Written on Paper
  • Other

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I have written in the paper


Well make sure you kept in the safe place…


I have my 12 word phrase written on paper. I just advised a friend who told me he saved his 12-word phrase on his e-mail address not to make the mistake of storing the phrase online. His investment could just be stolen away.


Nothing comes safer than writing down your passphrases or private keys on piece of paper. Another option if you decide to stick to online is to use Telegram cloud. Go to your telegram account and save the passphrase in a zipped-password-folder then send to “saved messages”, it will keep your stuff in your account for as long as you want. The beauty of it is you get to sign in with your phone number, no one can see your cloud unless you let them log in with your phone number


I haven’t heared that before and could be still safe even connected to the net?


There could be a possible chance for him to stole his funds…much better to write down on your own than sorry…


Ну у меня они хранятся в облаке, в то время как пароль и логин от облака спрятаны в неприметном документе


я не знаком с хранением в облаке … хотя лучшее из того, что вы сказали, это то, что ваши документы остаются незаметными

Ive just translated it for my response

Telegram uses Distributed Servers to store clients data, that means its not stored in one server that can be targeted. They Use AES-256-CTR(Advanced Encryption Systems) to keep data safe. No country in the world can access your data. But of course that doesn’t mean its 100% safe. Just a 2nd alternative 🤷


Now i know why some choose other for storing phrases but not sure they use the same as what you’ve said earlier…Thanks for your response i really appreaciated your explaination

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Writing it down or saving it on a dedicated and none-permanent usb-stick or hdd is good practise,
but i dont recommend saving any sensitive or crutial data on any cloud! Thats bad.
No matter if you password-protected your file. No offense, just saying! =)

TG and other accounts are hacked on a daily basis, by sim-swap-attacks.
Also please consider to ALWAYS enable 2FA with Google Auth or Authy or a similary app,
whereever its possible.Cheers


This is very true :trust:


Nice infos … then now i can duplicate my usb stick incase if any usb related issue occur then i have another one backup.

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Hello there welcome @jGall pls do read #announcements thank you

Hi there… What the matter? Sryy

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A warm welcome from me bro enjoy our community and stay safe thank u

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You too bro…and thanks

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You welcome stay safe

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Mine is still not yet written anywhere. Just my wallet on my phone

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