Swap altcoin to BNB via pancakeswap, recieved 0 BNB

Hello everyone , I have the issue like this:
I exchanged alt coins (FARA) into BNB via pancakeswap (Dapp trust wallet), the transactions were completed, but they said the value BNB that i received into my Trust Wallet is 0 BNB (supposedly i should have recevied 0.017 BNB in my trust wallet). can you help me?

hashlink here: 0x8a05925b18d99a12319a54c5771ecdbcc51d556693f39a61a6d9ba26a3fdfb87

thank you so much and have a nice day :pray:

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you swaped your 6.94 fara token for 0.017 bnb (9.19)

yeah, and why in the value section it said 0 BNB. can you explain it to me? thanks. im just new in the crypto world.

@vumpifx you already received your 0.017 BNB and current BNB balance is 0.037721804863287279 BNB correct? If not send screenshot of the current BNB balance

yeah true, my Wallet is 0.0377. but why it says 0 BNB in the smart contract call (when you click on the BNB coin in the trust wallet)