Swap btc -> usdt pending 15 hours

I did a swap 15 hours ago of btc to usdt. But it is still pending. Can someone help me?

Transaction ID: eefd8191a6dfe27e0f7a422fee5c86bb4eefac1ed5c35ab3898029d7a24af4a8 Thank you

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@sandervdhave Please do not open multiple topics.
If your transaction is pending, you’d need to wait till it’s confirmed or cancelled back to your wallet.
This mostly happens when you adjust the recommended gas fee provided by the app during swaps or transfers.

I am sorry for the multiple posts. I am a bit new to the wallets. How long can a transfer take? When is it cancelled? To my knowledge, I did not change the gas fee.

@sandervdhave It depends on the blockchain, you’ll just have to be patient and wait till it’s confirmed or cancelled.