Swapping THETA & SDAO for something I can cash out with

I am ready to cash out my 3 tokens. Since Moon Pay doesn’t carry these tokens, I need to swap for something I can send to Coinbase to cash out. When I tried to swap THETA & SDAO, these tokens don’t show up on the list they give you to swap even though both of these are on my asset page. Does anyone know what to do about this??


@SLady Not all tokens are supported in the swap tab of your Trust app.

Hello, if that’s the case with THETA, TFUEL, or SDAO, how am I supposed to get my money out of there? Lol. By the way, I tried using a Swap exchange place online and Trust Wallet said I need TFUEL to send my THETA tokens to the Swap place. TFUEL is also a coin I can’t bring up to buy. If I hit the button on the Send page that says “Top Up?” It just gives me the address to send the TFUEL to. I am kind of lost. I actually originally got these tokens on Kucoin & Crypto App excg but now I can’t deal with those in USA.
THX for responding.

@SLady You could deposit those tokens you need as fee from an exchange to your Trust app.

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I can’t do anything with THETA coin? How do I move it? Won’t let me swap or sell…

@Tara41 I’m not sure that’s a Trust wallet issue, it seems you need to contact the token’s support team.