The withdrawal of FTM from binance to Trust wallet

I didn’t want to hijack the post … but I don’t know any other ways to post questions… The withdrawal of FTM from binance to Trust wallet was succesful, but it didn’t show up on my trust wallet.

Address 0x4bFb3B7E4d618344C388DDc2C44e7e58FF33f08C

transaction ID

Please advise what to do

Hi, Please try to add it as custom token. Here are the steps that you can do to manually add the token: How to Add a Custom Token

Token details:-
Network: Smart Chain
Contract: 0xad29abb318791d579433d831ed122afeaf29dcfe
Decimals: 18

The same thing happened to me. You have an ERC20 wallet address. You have to select the Fantom Token (ERC20) wallet, not the default FTM. It’s the black circle token, not the blue circle.

Thanks so much ~!!! problem is solved~!!! Thanks again and again and again

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Thanks so much ~!!! problem is solved~!!! Thanks so muchhhhhhh~!!!

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