The wrong amount of tokens has shown up on trust wallet.

I hope someone could please help. I swapped bnb smart chain for uplink coin. The swap was successful and I got 5 Billion coins and it did show on my trust wallet. But the next morning there where only 113 million coins in uplink. On bscscan it shows that I paid for 5billion coins and was issued as a successful swap. Where has my coins disappeared to. There are no transactions on uplink to show the coins left my wallet.

Can anyone please give me advise to how I can get them back.

There is no problem with the app. This token has an elastic supply.
Elastic supply tokens have a changing circulating supply. The idea is that instead of price volatility, what changes is the token supply through events called rebases.
Simple explanation. Price goes up, less tokens. Price goes down, more tokens.
I suggest you to read and understand on tokenomics of any project before investing.