Thorchain swap issues

@Rehanalmani I don’t understand what you typed above, can you explain?

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Hello, I just took out my doge and rune from equal pooling and i didnt see my doge balance. anyway, i then swaped my rune to doge and its been almost a week and i still dont have any doge balance please help. im running out of money and i didnt know where it went.

@Matthew8 Can you provide the transaction hash ?

I swapped btc to usdt (erc20) on trust wallet. The transaction is confirmed and funds were deducted but I haven’t received any usdt

@Mustyymccoy2 Swaps aren’t instant and may take some time for you to receive your tokens.

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Hello👋🏻. I swapped my Bitcoin to Bitcoin cash and the order has shown complete, but I haven’t received my money in BCH yet and the money has seem to left my wallet also. PLEASE HELP

@Wills4 Can you please provide a transaction hash ?

Here’s the transaction hash👇


@Wills4 You received your BCH already.

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Hello. I swapped My doge for eth. The swap says complete, yet i haven’t received the eth and the doge has been taken from my balance

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