As you probably have noticed, a few hours from now a “small” crash occured. ETH lost 10% and BTC about 5%.
Any ideas why ? Im interested by your thoughts !
Be safe
BTC was already overextended.It’s just a retracement prior move to uptrend.
A little retracement I believe
Its a part of the market. When market is up big whales alway sell their assets in profit and small investors started panic selling. When market is down, than again big whales started buying than market got bounce again. its all about right time, righ price and right place. Dont panic, market will bounce again. I have seen Bitcoin price rising from 1000 USD to 20000 USD in one year.
so you are one of the old ^^ that must have been very impressive. Dont worry I didnt sold anything, I am a HOLDer
I remember hearing about this thing called bitcoin back in circa 2011/12 and thinking I wonder if its worth buying 100 of them, which i didn’t. Then didn’t think anything of it until a friend told me how much his was worth now, and retired at 27.
I made a post that it’ll apen. Got trolled
I am not that old. That time, i was in college and i bought bitcoin for a small amount and sold it when it was 10 times of my investment
It is normal for the price to drop to make its way to the moon🌚
Yeah but still, early adopter ^^ I was too young to do anything at that time too
Thanks for sharing the information but everything is going well
Let’s hope for the best guys it’s high time for crypoto revolution