Token and Token balance not reflecting/can’t swap either

Hello trust wallet is it just me or the new Trust wallet app on IOS has too many glitches. It all started from last week when I can’t swap my tokens on pancake swap to BNB, the response I get is “URLSessionTasksError:failed”. Only for me to delete the app just to clear cache.

I download the lastest version of Trust wallet on App Store and added my wallet back via back and Tokens manually but to my dismay all my tokens and balances are showing zero, but one tap on the coin and I check explorer it’s all there and even when I want to swap on pancake swap, it brings out the token and value but keeps showing zeros on the the main wallet.

What could be the problem guys?

@MarkCyriljnr Please switch your internet connection, then reimport your wallet and see if that works.

No Mr Tobi, It’s still thesame thing, I guess it’s a problem with app on IOS my version 11.6.1(1039)

Get off my Mention @Tobi_130 you scammer, if you have solution to proffer why not say it here for everyone to benefit why should I message you privately on Teleg*? You just the learn work??

@Tobi Should I get an Android phone to try it on? I think it might be issues on the iOS version my version is 11.6.1(1039)

@MarkCyriljnr Great for spotting that out, the impersonator has been banned.
Also yes you can try importing to another device if you can.

Thank You @Tobi Your tips was very helpful, Problem solved :innocent: :blue_heart:. Switching Networks or Device Change does solve the problem

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