Token numbers & amounts suddenly missing

Last night about 4 am ET when BTC soared, my Trust wallet stopped showing me the number and value of tokens. I’m running version 1.25.23 on Android. It’s never done this before.
When I used the Recovery Phrase to restore that wallet on a new iPhone 12 with version 5.11 (5118), only the ERC20 tokens appeared with number and value of tokens but all the non-ERC20 tokens are missing! LOKI, FIRO, BITCOIN, SOLANO.


Hi @newbee,

To better assist, please provide us the following information:

  1. LOKI, FIRO, BTC, and Solana addresses (go to the app, select those coins/tokens, press receive, then take a screenshot)
  2. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors, if any)
  3. Video recording of the issue (optional, but that would be very helpful in troubleshooting)
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Thank you for your fast response.
There is no video because the problem shows when the app is opened.

The app only gives QR codes for addresses, but that will probably work for you.

Nevermind, I figured out it was apha bep20 not the other apha and my crypto is safe. Whew. Thanks anyway

Hello, I have the same problem. What should I do?

@newbee @Goodmbye, please try to do the following

  • Uninstall then install the app (make sure you have the correct backup of your recovery phrase)
  • Use a VPN
  • Import the wallet
  • Refresh the balances
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I’m very curious. Why use a VPN?
And how do I refresh the balances? (Android app)

In some or most cases, VPN can help in connecting to the nodes to get the fetch the correct data and reflect the balance. Explained here as well: My Crypto is Missing, What Should I Do?

Press the coin/token, then drag the screen down (Pull-to-refresh).

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Thank you for the answers. It’s too late for me to do it tonight. (I want to be fresh when I do it and I have to get and install a VPN.) I’ll do this tomorrow and let you know.
:grinning: :grinning:


When I uninstall it and then go to the Play store to get it again, it only gives me a choice to Enable it. When I choose that it comes back with the previous coins without amounts or values just like before. I then set up the VPN and attempt to refresh the tokens, but it only refreshes the first 3, not the rest and still all tokens have no amounts or balances.

With the VPN on: please tap the toggle sign on the upper right of the main wallet screen, search for the token that you are missing, enable it, then refresh. You can also follow this guide: How to Add or Remove a Coin

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Fascinating! The missing tokens are now showing up, but the amount of tokens and USD values are still showing as asterisks. However, when I select a token and hit Send and Max, it shows me how many tokens and their value???

(Note: LOKI, FIRO & SOLano had been missing)

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Please press the asterisks on the main wallet page. You can follow this guide: How to Hide/Show Wallet Balance

Many thanks, Iamdeadlyz! The reinstalling got the coins back and tapping the total value switched the asterisks to actual numbers. I appreciate all your help. :grinning: