Hi I purchased Saturna using pancake swap V2 today and I have received the wrong amount.
It appears that the decimal may be in the wrong place.
I should have received 1,635,732,000.9 saturna.
Yet only received 1.635 saturna.
Please help.
Here is the transaction hash -
Here is the wallet address -
I am using the newest version of trust wallet.
I was advised to attempt recreating the custom token with 9 decimal places, however this continually bounces me back to the existing token with the same balance, even when I have disabled it first.
Please Help Me…I bought Saturna Coins Using PanCakeSwap on trust wallet app, I used BNB smartchain to buy it. But i haven’t recieved Any saturna token. I tried adding it as Coustom token which only showed to number of tokens and not the $. Please help as soon as you can.
This is transcation id it shows sucessful transaction…
Please help me:pray:t3:
I am having the same problem. I should have around 2,100,000,000 Saturna tokens but my trust wallet is only showing 2.1 SATs. Can you please look into this? my wallet address is 0x6B5f58498887e2d1927415dE007bB38E7d4Ad092 @trustwallet@pancakeswap