Transaction error

Hi, I transfered DAI to my trust wallet and can’t transfer them again out. The message displayed says Not enough ETH to cover network fee, and the fee constantly changes as I change the amount of token to transfer.

me equivoque y envie de mi wallet eth a una wallet de btc por favor para recuperar o que me reembolsen los eth

0x6fdeb82ca12d5b67ed76ff106cefaf66e1c85035 estaes la direccion de btc que enview mis eth por error

por favor ayuda [zachzwei]

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Good evening, I have a Go wallet right link to my trust wallet. Someone has been sending Ethereum from my account. It is not me and I’m sure no one has my code. This has been going on since July 12th. Both apps are on my iPhone which has a passcode. I gave no one my password to get into the wallets only it’s on connected to Frsage. Please help. Thank you

Saya memiliki masalah sama transaksi dogecoin saya pending

Моя транзакция спустя неделю не получила не одно подтверждение, можете как-то отменить транзакцию?

I have enough gas but I just lost 20$ trying it twice. Not sure what I need to change.


That’s the trans hash. It ain’t key me add photos

Hello ,
Please i have an issue of registration for smart contract in trust wallet
My transaction was failed/cancelled but i was charged for network fee. What do we do?
How can I get my ethereum back they deduct up to 0.03 please help


Mine has been showing error for a while now and I can’t get my money back

Hello i tried sending out my zcash its not going through. I have enough zcash in my wallet

Hello i tried sending out my zcash its not going through. I have enough zcash in my wallet

Pls help

can u help us how fix this problem
all of my transaction has filled
in uniswap interface
wallet address 0xD3281962c1dB868E1e97a72F93244679DA111cc7

latest version
all my trasaction is filled
wallet address

tx hash 0xdb5846ad2f8bfdcd2d00b0512dc7034c77a9ab12bf05c37fffffd549ac1b4f75



Lastest version

I have ETH in my wallet, but when i am trying send, Time-out message appear all the time !

Some help !?

Hello @millennium,

To better assist, can you provide us the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version
  2. Crypto address
  3. Transaction ID (if you have any)
  4. Further details about your issue
  5. Screenshots of the wallet (errors, if any)
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Dear support,
I’m having trouble confirming a transaction while connected to
UniswapV2. Swapping eth for dos.
Its the confirmation before executing the swap.

  1. Trust Wallet app version v 3.6 (366)

  2. Crypto address n.a

  3. Transaction ID (if you have any) n.a

  4. Details about your issue: The error reads,
    "The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format. Code: 504

  5. Screenshots of the wallet (errors, if any)
    Sorry, unable to upload screengrab for some reason

hey! is there any chance that we’ll see these 504 errors come down? attempting to send with 1K+ gwei and still getting timeout errors.


Yea i keep getting 504 errors and im upping gwei to 2500