Transaction fee of an error trnsaction

How do you get in direct contact with an assistant. I purchased litecoin but the balance says 0 when I try to swap it for any other coins


İ think time to visit our lawyers about it too many ppl feels robbed and they are right


Can anyone help i was unable to send my safemoon to other wallet and if i try to sell them transaction error occurred anyone know how to fix it please help me.

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i have identified the issue but my posting are censored and not posted and pending!!

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looks like the system flags certain words and won’t automatically post them! pending for review! welcome to Trust dictatorship! so much for word Trust!!!

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I swapped ethereum for Shiba Inu on Trust Wallet via Uniswap. the tokens were not credited to me. the transfer is shown to me as an error. How can I lose this problem?

Much more error when approve swap or swap token… we need to big fix :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Tried buying ETH through trust wallet (Moon Pay) and I haven’t received any currency. Any help would be great. Thanks. This is what a get on the moon pay side…

All I’m getting is it’s still saying processing transaction.

Same thing just happened to me. I tired Swapping my FEG for BUSD , all my $10 going with been able to swap anything. Is there problem between Pancake swap and Trust wallet?? Please resolve it and return our money.

This is ridicolous, the Gas fee are high… Why the hell should we Pay for failed transactions? This is a Tusk real money which we spend… We have to wait but, os it possible to get back what have Been lost?

I too have same problem , lost around 40$ . How to chat with customer service

I have the same problem. Did you solve your problem? Can someone who can fix the problem help? I couldn’t figure out where to write.

Same thing happened to me. Lost nearly 10 dollars as network fee in failed transaction (5 attempts) for 150 dollars coin swaping to bnb.

Is this problem gonna be solved? I’ve been charged a network fee too and nothing else has changed. What should we do now?

Norah and Daniel17 are spammers. please do not follow anything they say. Why is TrustWallet not moderating this false info. We need help on these issues ASAP! Will most certainly not be using this Wallet anymore. Just hope to be able to transfer my crypto asap.

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Cannot believe that TrustWallet is not reading this thread!!! its the highest rated thread on this forum at the moment.

Hi I am trying to retrieve my money but keeps telling me that I don’t have enough bnb to cover the fees!

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For every transaction you make with an error… you will be charged for transaction fee

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Same for me:
this my transaction tx:

Does anyone know what should I do? Does the Trust Wallet support fix this issue?