Transaction invalid: some outputs that it attempts to spend have been already spent or are no longer valid

Hi @Farid1980, was asking the devs around that time. Apologies for net getting back immediately.

It was re-broadcasted at that time since you entered a low fee.

Right now, 09c52c5554f471a1b4ef5f6aafb47a51624d954de31c48dffbe906ae3b84c2f7 is still stuck in the Bitcoin node. It was first seen at Sat, 20 Feb 2021 05:44:33 UTC. It may take a couple of weeks for it to be dropped automatically.

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As I said, it happened automatically for the second time; how can I prevent it for not happening again?

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Perhaps, there were some nodes that was delayed, so it is likely that this won’t happen automatically next time.

To prevent this:

  1. don’t set low fee
  2. use other wallet like to send a RBF high fee tx to replace it (usually not recommended, please do your due diligence to know how to operate it)
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I’ve got back my bit today
I hope not send it automatically again

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