Transfer done 10200 VET, but not received

Transfer of 10200 VET done by BSC network but not received in trust wallet yet. Transfer has been done almost 5 hours and still not received the tokens. As the amount is 250 dollar and which is a big amount. Kindly do the needful, at the earlieat.


Hello @vinodsnegi1, your tokens didn’t reflect because you sent VET BEP20 to your native VET address.

To recover your funds; Please follow this guide:

Select ETH in the coin part, then select the BIP32 option under Derivation Path, Client “Custom derivation path” .

  • Enter the following values for BIP32 Derivation Path m/44'/818'/0'/0

and continue with Step 4.

After getting the private key, open the Trust Wallet app > settings > wallets > + button on the top right corner > i already have a wallet > BSC > import the private key

Thanks but after that also its not showing in wallet till now. I have followed the complete process

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@vinodsnegi1 Can you provide your receiving address for VET and Smartchain

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