Transferred Theta from binance to trust wallet but not showing in wallet

I have transferred theta from binance to trust wallet but it is not showing up in wallet.
Transaction is successful.

  1. Chrome extension
  2. Destination wallet: 0xDb7dd58A3cB9a64460eAF1D75E4d565FCEE73500
  3. Source wallet: Binance
  4. Txn #: 0x76f1ae40cd76c4f95281ec948030443740bc8c7b43aef6623f603c38e9f4c852

I installed wallet on my phone also but even there it is not showing up.
Version 10.6 (883)

I saw the earlier thread from the year 2021 and it was mentioned that the problem was solved. Still, I do not see theta in my wallet, hence started this thread. Kindly help.

Hoping for a response soon.


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@Dravyam You sent THETA to your address and you only need to add it manually.
Tap the upper right corner on your main wallet page, search THETA and toggle it on.

Thank you @Tobi for the reply in such less time. I have toggled on the THETA.

yet, THETA is not appearing as shown below:

I thought I might have sent to the wrong wallet and went through the procedure as shown in this thread. “i-transfered-to-a-wrong-address-on-trust-wallet/354750” and imported wallet after doing the process at “Mnemonic Code Converter”, still THETA did not appear.

Below is the snapshot of my transaction from binance

I observed that the network option given by binance was THETA and not ERC20, but in Trust wallet THETA appears in ERC20 network.

Please help me.

Thank you.

@Dravyam Please follow the guide here: