Tron (TRX) unstaking issue

Hello, i cannot unstake my tron even after 3 days please assist.


Hi @Nanno23,

To better assist, please provide us the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (go to settings and press “About”)
  2. TRX address
  3. Transaction ID (if you have any)
  4. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors, if any)

Trust wallet version 5.7(573)
Trx address TLpZBE4NeQkMypcvEQ3ieqFvMDkDw9DcAF

I cant seem to upload the screenshot but it shows lockyime is 3 days. But i have passed that twice and also tried to put the amount manually as mentioned in other threads.

You already unstaked/unfreezed 10 hours and 38 minutes ago: TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器

However, you staked/freezed your TRX again 10 hours and 37 minutes ago: TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器

Please wait for the lock-in period (3 days) to complete so that you can unstake your TRX.

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Hi @iamdeadlyz
I’m having The same issue unstaking
Pls I need some assistance :pray:

Wait until the remaining 3 days are over, so that no problem occurs with the available Tron

Hello @Stepheng232,

To better assist, please provide us the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (go to settings and press “About”)
  2. TRX address
  3. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors, if any)

Version 1.16.18

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Please update your app to the latest version. Also, send your TRX address, so we can check.

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App updated :v:

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It looks like no votes were found in your wallet. Please stake 77 TRX again (even though the wallet says it is already staked), and wait for 3 days to unstake.

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Let me go try that now

@iamdeadlyz thanks blood
I’m grateful for your time and help
Blessup man​:pray: :v::blue_heart:

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Hi again, its been 3 days now. Same issue. Cannot unstake.


I have the same problem. Seems like maybe there is a bug here…

Hello @Nanno23, you unstaked it 1 day and 10 hours ago, then you restaked it again. That explains why you can’t unstake it.

Hi @drn2369,
To better assist, please provide us the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (go to settings and press “About”)
  2. TRX address
  3. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors, if any)
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I did not unstake it since 3 days ago. Since the last time i asked here.

Try to unstake 2,985 TRX and let me know what happens (include a screenshot as well).


Forum not letting me post pictures…

Wallet: TEFBaZA1vxzqQcY4CCfjBRro4EYtEHwiA6

Version: 1.22.9

When I try to unstake it says “Not found”

Hi @drn2369,

Please try to stake your 12,425.413 TRX again.

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