Troubleshoot withdrawal from trust wallet

Dear moderator,

I initially Set up an account with you through Binance the app didn’t ask me for email address and password. I set up this account later on. I wanted to cash out crypto from my binance account to my trust wallet and transfer those funds to my
Wallet litebit. Something went wrong. When I wanted to send btcb to the btcb address of my external litebit wallet. When trying to send the BTCB FUNDS THE trust wallet app would state that the bnb address was invalid eventhough I just copy/pasted the deposit address. I used the deposit address of bnb on my litebit account instead and haven’t received my funds even though the transaction was marked as successful on the trust wAllet could u please help me ? Best behdad


The app does not require any personal information.
You can download the app and create a wallet. And that is it.

What is this LiteBit wallet, where did you get it?
What was the transaction ID of your transfer of BTCB to this wallet?

Thank you for your reply. Litebit is a Dutch wallet which allows to exchange into fiat. The transaction hash was. 3842C28F9480F07BD52C1E8359A6E9634A74867CE2BC960AC67394A509683D68

Block height Blocks #76883551 | BNB Beacon Chain

I hope this is enough info to help me.

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Attached you will find a print screen of the transaction via trust wallet and also a screenshot of my litebit wallet.

I can tell what has caused the problem. The first time I tried to send btcb to litebit I copied the deposit address for BTC and the the trust wallet stated that the deposit address had an invalid bnb. I mistakenly went to Copy the bnb deposit address on litebit instead and used that deposit address for the transaction.

Since I had a little amount of btcb left after that transaction. I had swapped it to bnb with the trust wallet app and sent those funds to the same litebit deposit address and I have received that second transaction.

In short the first transaction I sent btcb to the bnb deposit address. I hope this clarifies the situation.

Either way the transaction is deemed succesful in the app but the funds are not in the litebit wallet.

I reached out to their customer service and they said they have no pending deposit of that transaction and verified that I had used the right deposit address

Thanks for the information.
So it is a centralized wallet.
I do see the BTCB was transferred there:

BTCB is a Pegged Token that is tradeable only on some exchanges like Binance or Binance DEX.
This is not the native BTC.

I checked on their website (Litebit), and I do not think they support BTCB yet.
So you need to check this with them and ask if they can send back the BTCB to your Trust Wallet.

hey zachzwei. Thank you for your quick reply. I reached out to their customer support. Looks like they don’t support BTCB indeed. They said they cannot send the transaction back since I sent it to their bnb network and they Didn’t receive anything on that network.

Is there something you could do to help me out of this situation ?

Thank u in advance,



Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do.
It is their receiving address that has the BTCB.
Technically, they own the keys to that address and manage it on their system.

Unless, they gave you a recovery phrase or private key for that address.
You can import it to Trust Wallet and make transactions.

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A post was split to a new topic: Pending bitcoin transaction

Busd and bnb was sent to my trust wallet account from another trust wallet for about 24hors up til now not reflected on my account

Hello sir
How to withdraw the money from wallet
To my personal account details
Please help me :pray:
