Hi, 2 problems when I go to my trust wallet and attempt to send my BNB tokens over to another wallet. When i click on max tokens to send it shuts down and comes up with a long error message. ‘Trust Wallet unexpectedly quit’ I’ve deleted it and reinstalled the wallet and same thing. So next problem is when I go to submit a help ticket I cant get passed the captcha for some reason. Has a green tick and all the info is filled out but cant seem to submit a help ticket so im posting here as I want to move my BNB tokens over to another wallet. any help appreciatedThanks
Hey can you provide these
- App version
- Device model
- Screenshot of the error received
Trust Wallet Version 6.8 (681)
MacBookPro macOS Big Sur
and i cant seem to post the screenshot on this post says something about media embedded.
I an not able sell coins in trust wallet. It is showing Error what to do?