Trust Wallet Not Generating QR Code

Hi There,
I created a website with Unstoppabledomains but when I publish, Trust Wallet doesn’t generate the QR Code, Unstoppabledomains is trying to connect, I left this overnight and it’s still on the error page. If I click back I’ll lose the information on the website. This is the error message from Unstoppable…

Connecting to WalletConnect

Please verify that you own this wallet by accepting the signature request from your wallet

But no QR code is generated to sign. Thank you.

Hello @labass7
Can you provide more info as to how you did it?
What device you’re on and the app version?

Thank you @JennyMillan

  • I brought a domain on Unstopp* abledomains (UD) - minted to Openseas.
  • On UD website went to ,manage’ my domain and created my website.
  • Clicked on PUBLISH which is when UD asks me to confirm my wallet address, but no QR code is generated only the message…
Connecting to WalletConnect

Please verify that you own this wallet by accepting the signature request from your wallet

My device is a Nokia 1.3, Android version 11.

Hi, any response on Trust Wallet not generating QR code, I don’t know if I explained the problem well, I don’t know all the crypto terminology yet.

What is not being generated is the option to confirm a transaction e.g. I get the message

Connecting to WalletConnect

Please accept the request to connect from your wallet

If the WalletConnect didn’t show up:

This is the same response if I choose another mask, I tried Metamask. I wonder if there is something I have not permissioned in my Trust Wallet? I use Brave Browser so not sure that there will be problem there. Any thoughts please? L