Trust wallet - Recover Wallet

Dear Sir,

I forget my wallet recovery code
can you please advice me how can i recover this wallet?
my profit are coming in that wallet, as im new i just got that have to save recover code with my self.
wallet address:

No way to recover the wallet without the backup.
Read on:

do you know what going on with trust wallet, why it down

How can I get the right recovery phrase since the one I have does not match my old wallet?

We have no way to assist. This information is generated upon wallet creation and never leaves your device.
If you did not saved it, then no way to get it back.

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Read this:

I bought a new phone. I copied my recovery phrase before switching over to the new phone. I used my recovery phrase and it doesn’t seem to be enough to get my BNB address correct. It just gave me a new one. I have my old BNB address but if I import that, it’s watch only, but that’s the address I was using with my Trust Wallet and the rcovery phrase. Why did it give me a new BNB address and now I can’t access my BNB on the other address?