Trust Wallet supports Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Trust Wallet adds Bitcoin wallet support on Android and iOS The long wait for our Android users is finally over. Starting today, Bitcoin BTC joins our family of supported coins on Trust Wallet for both iOS and Android. To make up for the long wait, our engineers cooked up something extra to make it even more exciting:

Litecoin (LTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) will also be supported by Trust Wallet!

Yes you heard right, that’s 3 new coins which will be supported by Trust Wallet! No longer will you have to own a separate bitcoincash wallet, lite coin wallet or bitcoin wallet!

After you update your Trust Wallet app to this latest version, you can enable the new assets by tapping on the plus sign in the upper right corner and tapping once more on the slide bar next to Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

Your new Bitcoin and Litecoin Wallet are native SegWit compatible which means you can send/receive to/from any bc1 (Bitcoin) and ltc1 (Litecoin) bech32 address.

On the Edge of Innovation

By making native SegWit mandatory for all users, we are fully embracing the latest standards when it comes to Bitcoin/Litecoin transactions. Trust Wallet is always pushing itself to the edge of innovation when it comes to new features and usability. This is why we make it our top priority to constantly integrate the latest features for every crypto asset we support while simultaneously providing you with the most convenient and user friendly mobile crypto wallet on the market.

Your New Crypto Wallet for all Crypto Digital Assets

As some of you probably have noticed over the past month, Trust Wallet is becoming much more than a simple Ethereum Wallet or ERC20 Wallet. Since our inception around a year ago, Trust Wallet has grown to support more than 10 native block chains, including their native tokens. Ethereum alone has over 160k+ native tokens which are all automatically supported with Trust Wallet.

Trust Wallet is also the only mobile wallet that offers you DApp support for Ethereum, POA Network and Ethereum Classic. We would like Trust Wallet to become your one stop solution for interacting with this new decentralized world, so going forward we will be adding more coins and features to enable our users to fully embrace the seamless experience of having all your tokens, collectables, DApps and more in one place.

Exciting weeks ahead of us

Of course we will not rest our efforts on this announcement, so make sure you stay tuned for more exciting news coming in the weeks ahead. We have a lot more planned and lined up for you including additional coins, more features, more competitions and some long anticipated design tweaks.