Unable to move funds out of view only

I am really new to this but I was smart enough to buy a cold storage wallet (Keystone 3 Pro). I have searched the forums and have found several topics related to this so I know this is part of the learning curve. I also pulled up Youtube videos but still cannot find my answer.

I moved money from Coinbase to my cold wallet but couldnt see my balances. I found I was able to create a view only wallet through Trust. I can see my balance as well. What I am trying to do is move my USDT back to the exchange, but some crypto and then use my cold wallet to store the keys.

I have my 12 keys from Trust. I have keys for the Keystone but I am so at a loss how to get done what I am attempting to get done.

I am at a stand still. Any help would be appreciated.

Please note: I am not new enough to be scammed. Please do not reply asking me to pay to release my funds. You will be ignored

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@Cr8tive-Ingenuity If you are trying to access your wallet through the Trust app, then you need to import your keys into your Trust app then access your tokens that way.
You have a watch only wallet now because you imported just an address.

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Tobi am I importing my keys from my keystone wallet or from the exchange I used. Sorry I’m such a newbie and I have been looking for my own learning info but it’s so hard to find for me. Once I received my cold storage walker I moved my USDT away from BTCC to Trust as BTCC was a bit overwhelming for me being new. Am I able to share my tronscan? I’m not sure if that’s even needed.

Thank you Tobi.

@Cr8tive-Ingenuity Since you’re trying to send out your tokens from the cold wallet, then you need to import the keys from the cold wallet to your Trust wallet app and then access your tokens there.
Also you do not need to send any details.

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Tobi. Thank you so much. I’m so new this simple stuff is sometimes hard to even understand I got it. I thought I was out 500 bucks

Thank you again

Tobi I see most of my crypto. But I still don’t see my USDT (tron). Does that need to done as a separate wallet?

@Cr8tive-Ingenuity Did you try to add that manually ? If you haven’t, you can follow the guide below:

I did. I found all my crypto. I have one last thing. I’m trying to move my USDT Tron but it says I don’t have enough TRX. When I go to buy enough to cover the fees it says I cannot buy trx since I live in the US. How can I get trx into the exchange or is there an easier way to get this done.

Btw I hope you have a public wallet to receive tips for your assistance

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@Cr8tive-Ingenuity Haha no tips needed, thank you.
You can buy on an exchange where you’re eligible to buy from if you can not buy directly through the Trust app.

puedes ayudarme. eh puesto anuncios pero nadie me responde y ya tengo un par de semanas esperando respuesta. en diciembre, migre mis monedas hydra, agregue la red hydragon a trustesllet y me mostró que tenía 2528 monedas hydra, pero tras unos minutos, me muestra en cero. pero en skynet.hydrsgon si nuestra mis monedas pero no puedo moverlas o hace algo con ellas. me marca error.
This My wallet

Can you help me? I’ve posted ads but no one answers me and I’ve been waiting for a response for a couple of weeks now. In December, I migrated my Hydra coins, added the Hydragon network to Trustesllet and it showed me that I had 2528 Hydra coins, but after a few minutes, it shows me at zero. But in skynet.hydragon my coins are there but I can’t move them or do something with them. It shows me an error.
This My wallet

@Pompueso Please ensure you do not spam under multiple topics.
If your balance is zero while your tokens are in your wallet, please switch your internet connection and then reimport your wallet after.

Tobi. I purchase Trx from other exchange but I have to wait a week to move outside that exchange. Is there a way for me to get Trx on Trust directly without buying it. I tried to convert USDT to TRX but it still requires TRX ti make that swap. Any easier way to get this done to get TRX so I can my funds to my cold wallet

@Cr8tive-Ingenuity Trust wallet has the in app swap option.
If you have tokens on other chains, you could try to swap to TRX if the route is available.

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Thanks for answering and sorry for the spam, but nobody answered. And do I have to re-import my trustwallet wallet? Because Hydragon doesn’t use wallets anymore, it’s just another network.

@Pompueso Yes you can try reimporting and see if that works.