I can’t sent bitcoin I get this error after 24 hours still getting error
How can I fix it?
Please help Troubleshoot this error
I can’t sent bitcoin I get this error after 24 hours still getting error
How can I fix it?
Please help Troubleshoot this error
Mines doing the same thing i dont know what to do also my btc isnt showing
@rhayes89 I don’t know how to get Support to look into this, I am sure you have been looking for support too.
Thank you Tobi, I will go over and test again, before I submit a ticket. Appreciate your response.
Hey there, did you ever figure out how to fix this? I was going to re-install my wallet with the recovery phrase, but i’m terrified i’ll lose me crypto! Tyty!
@CruelDave Before reinstalling your wallet, you can crosscheck your recovery phrase is the right one first or backup if you haven’t yet then after that do a reinstall.