Unable to see Transaction in TW, yet visible in Etherscan

Hello! I am brand new to the community and Trust Wallet.

I wanted to swap some ETH to NPXS. Added a low gas fee and it takes over 10 hours now.
I went to see what can I do in ‘Pending ‘‘Stuck’’ Transactions’ topic, but I found out strange, to me, thing:
I cannot see the transaction in Trust wallet, yet I can see it, still pending, on Etherscans…
Therefore I cannot change the gas fee or cancel it… :roll_eyes:

Can You help me with that, please. I have included pic of wallet and Etherscan bellow.
TW Version:1.27.26
Thank You for Your time!

I have a similar problem as this particular thread talks about. But I see no response to the solutions involved. I attempted to transfer money to a brokerage account using usdt. Did not include the fees and so it rejected it. I attempted to do the transaction one other time not realizing that my wallet was empty as if the transaction had actually occurred. The broker account has not received the funds but I can see the transaction in etherscan. TW does not show it as a transaction even though the money is gone. Please help?

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@randyrowe Can you check the blockchain explorer again to see exactly where your funds may have been sent out and confirm if the receiving address got it or not.

The funds have been replaced into the TW account. The experience was stressful because I thought the funds were gone and no help was available. But apparently the internal reconciliation process is working just fine.

Thank you @Tobi. Not sure I understand how to read the etherscan record, but it appears it is is in hold, having not been sent to the destination. TW doesn’t show it as a transfer transaction but it is linked to my account in etherscan. Im not sure what to do to fix the problem.