Unable to send ADA & ZEC from trust wallet

Hello support team,

I am not sure why sometimes working sometimes not.
I was able to send both ADA and ZEC and all of sudden it stopped working lol.

already tried recommend guide: reinstalling the app and restore my wallet etc.
I am using iOS and the latest version of trust wallet app 9.6(802)

thank you

Hello @sendtogil
Are you trying to send full amount out?
I would suggest you try to send a lesser quantity out and see if that works.

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I tried with less amount again but both are showing the same error messages:
for ADA: “The data couldn’t be read because it is missing. Code:200”
and ZEC: 502 bad gateway

I’ve tried to send small amount just now. and getting the same errors.
not sure what is wrong. it was working like 2 hrs ago.

@sendtogil Please go to settings, click “preferences”.
Search for ADA/Cardano, disable the automatic selection, then re-enable it and try sending your assets once again to see if it works.

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Please help me why can’t I send cardano ADA out of my trust wallet ? It display transaction error

Hello @Fide1 Can you confirm if you have the recent app update?

Currently, going into preferences for ZEC and checking the nodes, none is active. Trying to send ZEC to and external Wallet does not work. After pressing the continue button, it starts loading and nothing happens afterwards.

@papadopoulos.ge Do you mean you are unable to send out your ZEC ?
Can you check if your app is updated.

Hello Tobi
I’m fuming. A week ago I’ve sent all my coins to binance for exchange and it all went fine except for ADA and DOT. I am losing hundreds of dollars A DAY, because I can’t sell them. The app intern “MoonPay” doesn’t work either since I’m supposed to send them the coins as well. I’ve also tried two transactions with MoonPay which didn’t work for not being able to send. They are stuck on Trust Wallet and lose in value really quick. Please help asap. I’ve been trying to contact the support daily. My Trust Wallet app is updated, Version 11.2(967). Can’t upload any screenshots either… ADA receive Address: addr1q8nad2wfzpeddz937jwxrcwfx6m5j823hrypmwcsdhgu06gngm6mpsr4dsy40vlc6a2sj8y9t3sa6zxqgjx7x3mq948sufks0p

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@Koopa550 Please wait for a response from the support team as there is no support here.

Tobi seems like a scam, which I can’t even report on this website. Neither am I able to send any screenshots to clarify my issue. Is there even anyone that can help?

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@Koopa550 Please be careful, there is an impersonator here.
Submit a ticket at support.trustwallet.com.
If you already did and received an email with a ticket ID, you can respond back to the mail.

Hi TW community… I can’t send my Ada from TW to binance. Keeps showing me. Yellow error from TW that says"TW cardano end point is having issues". Can some body help me here…

@Crypt01 Please submit a ticket through your Trust app or at support.trustwallet.com
To reduce response times from customer support, please include the following info in the ticket:

App version, device model, wallet address, TX hash (if available), and the blockchain + assets you’re experiencing the issue with, and any relevant screenshots or videos to duplicate the error.

Hey real Tobi. I’ve already tried to submit a ticket but said website leads me to a chatbot with generic problems, which doesn’t help. It’s clearly a technical issue of Trust Wallet, which isn’t even an option there. How do I get an ID on my email respectively how am I able to give them my email address? Thanks for helping.

@Koopa550 There’s a submit ticket button at the top right corner and that’s where you need to tap on to submit a ticket.

Hey Tobi…done that but support is very slow.its been more than 1 week… Can’t post photos here… have you heard about this issue so far ?
The error message says-
" Trust wallet’s cardano endpoint is facing technical issues,disruptions in transfers, staking & balances are expected. We are working on a solution"

@Crypt01 If you received a mail with a ticket ID, you can reply to that mail as there’s actually no support here.